aPaulogy is a curious name. It’s both weighty and light. Serious and funny. Insightful and ludicrous. Perfect for cartoonist, Paul Fernandes’ Gallery which showcases 60 watercolour prints inspired by his ‘ology’ on the life and times of Bangalore in the 70’s. Entering aPaulogy is like walking down memory lane to fondly reminisce a gentle, laid back city… a time when people walked everywhere and you stopped to wish… a place where tongas were summoned for long journeys and riding a cycle minus a kerosene oil lamp was serious crime.
Recognize in each of Paul’s watercolours, well known old Bangalore landmarks – from schools and colleges, to churches and theatres, bars and restaurants, tree-lined shaded avenues and graceful monkey topped bungalows – pensioners and other well known characters, all remembered with lighthearted humour.